The 2022 Writers Retreat is sold out. Please email if you would like to be added to the waiting list.
The RMFW 2022 Writers Retreat is scheduled for May 26-29 at the beautiful Franciscan Retreat Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Immersed in this tranquil environment, authors are encouraged to come and work, network with other authors, join a critique group, and gather valuable knowledge from others in the industry. Lodging and meals are included in the price of the retreat. Registration will open February 3, 2022 at 9:00 AM MST. Rooms sell out fast and reservations are first come first accepted. Questions can be directed to Bernadette Soehner, Retreat Chair, at

How much does it cost to attend the retreat?
RMFW does not aim to make money on the retreat; we aim to break even. We divide the total costs (location rental plus speaker fees) by the target number of attendees to give you the most affordable experience possible.
- $399 | Single attendee rate. Three nights with a room to yourself, plus meals.
- $299 | Roommate rate. Three nights sharing a room with two (or three) twin beds, plus meals.
- $65 | Days Only rate for writers who want to make their own lodging arrangements or drive home at night. This covers one day of the retreat plus all meals for that day. You may select one or more days.
What’s included in the cost of registration?
- Three nights’ lodging in one of the Franciscan Retreat Center’s comfortable rooms. Additional nights are available if you would like to extend your stay. Contact the FRC to check availability.
- All meals (Thursday dinner through Sunday breakfast).
- Access to FRC’s vast grounds and all their guest amenities, including massage therapy, native trails, a labyrinth, and peace park.
- Minutes-away access to Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods, Cave of the Winds, Cripple Creek, Glen Eyrie Castle, The Olympic Complex, and Pikes Peak Cog Railway.
- After-dinner author readings and informational chats.
- The opportunity to meet and spend time with other writers.
- The opportunity to relax and draw inspiration from the gorgeous mountain views and relaxed setting.
- The opportunity to spend time focusing solely on being a writer.
Writing Time
We ask kindly that all attendees be courteous and refrain from talking in the common room during quiet writing time.
What To Bring
- Casual layers. Colorado weather in the spring can be 80 degrees and sunny, or it can be snowy and cold, so plan to layer your clothing accordingly.
- Toiletries. FRC is a convent, not a hotel. They do provide towels, bar soap, and a hair dryer.
- Walking shoes or hiking boots. Whatever the weather, you’ll want to be prepared to take breaks from your writing to walk around the retreat center or join others for an impromptu hike on the nearby trails.
- Laptop, notebook, pens, pencils, story bibles, storyboards, sticky notes, index cards…whatever you need to make progress on your current work.
- Headphones.
- A cushion or lumbar support device, if you have a hard time sitting for a long time.
- Power cord, extension cord, and/or power strip.
- Snacks. There is a kitchen with a refrigerator and a coffee/tea station.
- Water bottle and coffee cup (FRC has cups but they are small).
- Wine if you are inclined.
How do I get there?
Transportation to FRC is up to each individual. If you are flying, we recommend that you fly into the Colorado Springs Airport. Denver is 1.5 hours away, and rides can become costly. However, there are shuttles that do go between Colorado Springs and Denver for a cost. After registration closes, we will put out a call for anyone who would like to sign up to carpool with one another.
As each jurisdiction is in charge of their own COVID protocol, please be prepared to wear a mask at all times while in communal areas. The retreat center is also the home to a convent and a nursing home. We will be guests on their property, and must strive to keep them and our fellow authors safe. As protocols change often, we ask that you please be prepared for whatever protocols are in place. If you are feeling ill or have a fever, please be mindful of your fellow authors and cancel your reservation.
How many people can come?
We will max out at 40 registrants, or we will close registration when all the bedrooms have been booked, whichever happens first. It all depends on how many registrants want to stay in their own room or share a room with one other person. We will be staying in Francis Place and Marion Hall, which have two floors. Bathrooms may be shared. Please note that the retreat center sits among an active convent. The rooms are simple yet comfortable. There is no television, but WiFi is available free of charge. There are no elevators on-site. If you have difficulty with stairs and need a 1st-floor room, notify the retreat chair at
The retreat center has a guest dining room with a wide choice of meals to choose from, including gluten-free and (lacto ovo) vegetarian meals. Meals are included in your registration fee. Please make sure you note during registration if you require gluten-free or vegetarian meals.
Can I come to the retreat during the day, but make my own lodging arrangements separate from the retreat location?
Yes! The cost for the “days-only” option is a flat fee of $65 per day and includes all meals.
Please email your questions to the Retreat Chair at We look forward to hosting you in Colorado Springs in 2022!
Do I have to attend all of the scheduled events?
No. You can write! Or hike! Or sleep! It’s totally up to you.
Refund Policy:
Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers will refund your registration fees, less a $50.00 processing fee, provided you notify the retreat chair to cancel your registration on or before 31 or more days before the retreat date. If we are within 30 days of retreat: Unless we are able to fill your spot from the waiting list, RMFW is unable to refund any registration fees 30 days or fewer before the retreat date. If we are able to fill a cancellation from the waiting list, a refund (less the $50 processing fee) will be granted. Please contact to cancel.
Notice of photography:
When you attend the RMFW Writers’ Retreat, you enter an area where photography will occur. By entering the Retreat premises, you consent to such photography and to its release, publication, exhibition, reproduction, distribution, and use for news, sale, educational, promotional, advertising, and sale purposes and to its inclusion on and distribution through websites and in hard copy formats (collectively, “Uses”). By entering the Colorado Gold Writers’ Retreat, you also consent to use of your image, to the extent they appear in photographs. You waive all rights you may have to any claims in connection with All Uses of photographs, regardless of the purpose or sponsoring of such uses. If you have any questions or concerns, please speak with the retreat organizers.