During a podcast interview last week, my guest remarked that, though she’d won two prestigious awards for her women’s fiction debut, she wasn’t sure she’d enter any competitions for her next book. Since most awards charge a fee of between $50-$150 per category, she questioned whether that was a wise use of money. And there’s…
Author: Maggie Smith
How to Get Your Money’s Worth from a Book Publicist
Why does one book achieve robust sales while another struggles to gain traction? While the ultimate test of a novel is what’s between the covers (the quality of the writing, the intricacies of the plot, the fascinating characters), there is no doubt that if a reader is not aware your book exists, they aren’t going…
What Makes a Great Antagonist
Every novel needs conflict and the best way to do that is by creating a unique real-life antagonist, a flesh-and-blood character who stands in direct opposition to your protagonist and has to be conquered before your hero can achieve his goal. If you’re not sure how to create an antagonist that’s compelling and well-developed, here…
Seven Components of a Successful Novel Opening
Writing a compelling opening for your novel isn’t optional, it’s essential. That initial half-page of Chapter One is the first impression agents, publishers, and most important, readers get of your writing style and skill and often determines whether they’ll purchase your book or not. The good news is most people will give you a few…
When The Party’s Over
I thought I’d prepared myself. I thought I knew what to expect. I was wrong. My novel, Truth and Other Lies, released into the world in early March. It had been a labor of love for four long years. I’d lived through fifty agent rejections before signing with a small press which then proceeded to…