Back in October, I wasn’t sure I’d get to write these words: on January 13, I graduated with my MFA in Creative Writing. I started the program at Regis as one kind of person and ended it someone different. Not simply in the sense that I learned and grew as a writer, though I hope…
Author: Rachel Dempsey
The Myth of Work Life Balance
I’ve had this myth debunked over and over, yet still slip into the trap of believing I can have/do it all, or that I’m the only one not able to balance all of life’s competing demands all the time. When this happens, I pause to remind myself of a bit of wisdom I received from…
Colorado Gold Conference: The Social Contract of Open Mic Nights
As a reader, I pledge to: 1. Abide by the time constraints and if I know what they are in advance, practice timing my selected piece2. Introduce myself and my work before barreling ahead into the reading3. Provide trigger warnings when appropriate and err on the side of less graphic violence, profanity and potentially offensive…
Understanding the Assignment
Think back to the last time you sat down to write and the words simply wouldn’t come. Maybe it was your mood, or the surrounding circumstances: poor lighting, dreadful coffee shop tunes, or a pet/child/partner demanding attention. Perhaps a prompt left you uninspired, or a looming deadline paralyzed your imagination. Whatever the cause, as writers,…
Colorado Gold, the Next Generation
As a relatively new member of Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers (coming up on 5 years), I’ve enjoyed learning about the organization’s history from the newsletter and interviews with founding members. 40 years is nothing to sniff at, especially in this age of shortening attention spans and shifting loyalties. But if we want RMFW to survive…