I would very much like to finish, edit, and publish a novel in the coming year. In between writing and publishing flash stories, short stories, creative nonfiction, and teaching modules, I’ve been working on two novel-length stories. Truth be told, ‘working on them’ is a misnomer as I have continued to edit or expound upon…
Author: Ann Gordon
Book Spine Adventures
A while back I helped a colleague self-publish his books so he could proudly place all six of them on the bookshelves of friends and family. We had already self-published these historical books for the digital market, but – like most authors – he wanted to own and distribute a number of physical copies. He…
Third Person Omniscient vs Head Hopping
Recently I’ve found myself in a quandary about critiquing another writer for the ‘head hopping’ error. I mean, what actually constitutes head hopping?
Researching a Genre
If there’s one thing I never want to hear about my stories it’s that they’re “hard to finish.”
Deciding What’s Possible in Your World
At last, Spring is here. Now I’ll have time to work on my own stuff. My first order of business is to complete some of my spec fiction stories, many of which have languished unfinished for years. After scrolling through my short stories folder, I decided it was high time I finish a story about…