Recently I’ve found myself in a quandary about critiquing another writer for the ‘head hopping’ error. I mean, what actually constitutes head hopping?
Author: Ann Gordon
Researching a Genre
If there’s one thing I never want to hear about my stories it’s that they’re “hard to finish.”
Deciding What’s Possible in Your World
At last, Spring is here. Now I’ll have time to work on my own stuff. My first order of business is to complete some of my spec fiction stories, many of which have languished unfinished for years. After scrolling through my short stories folder, I decided it was high time I finish a story about…
Write Like There’s No Tomorrow
Oh, boy. Now I’ve done it. I’ve put myself in the situation where I MUST write, on my own stuff, every day for the next six months. This has become a matter of write or perish. Ever since the fifth grade, I’ve dreamed of being a successful creative writer…you know, the kind who gets published…
The Reluctant Romantic
I’ve never been a fan of romance stories. I don’t read them unless I’m required and I rarely watch romantic movies, even romantic comedies. Thus, I never thought I’d ever be the author of romance-themed stories. Nope, not me. Over the last seven years, in addition to all the non-fiction writing I do, I’ve penned…