When you look at some of the writing advice out here in the great etheric wonder that is the internet, what you’ll see is a lot of the same information repeated over and over. This is because writing isn’t a science, it’s a very subjective process which looks similar to lots of different people, but…
Author: Joshua Dorne
When Motivation to Write is Gone
We’ve all been there. Or maybe we’re there right now? In this collective, yet solitary brain-trust known as writing. This hive-mind of almost universally shared desire. It’s what we do. Why? Because we have stories to tell. So we spit them out of our heads and onto paper (never mind the mess). But what do…
The Big Wait: What to do when you have nothing to do
So here we are. As of the writing of this post, I’ve found myself in a strange place. Limbo, some call it. That place of infinite waiting caught inexorably between supposed and longed for happiness, and that of dejection, unrequited feelings of elation and acceptance. “But Josh,” you may say, as I place these words in your mouth by…
After the Editing: When an agent says it’s ready!
Not that long ago I put up a post about what it’s like editing with an agent. Well it’s time to take that a step farther. Because Deity Six, my very first completed novel, has since transitioned from 1) finding an agent. And 2) going through and finishing edits with said agent. To step 3)…
What Editing with an Agent is Like
If you’ve been following me here on this blog (somewhat unlikely since it’s been all of four months!), then you’ll know that I just recently (October) got my very first agent for my very first book, Deity Six. But what I haven’t told you yet is what the editing process has been like so far….