“If music be the food of love, play on,” wrote Shakespeare. But it’s not just love that’s fueled by music. Moods, memories, energy level, motivation (or lack of it), desires, fears—all of these can be influenced by an inspired lyric or a well-crafted melody. And let’s not forget music’s effect on creativity. Many of the…
Author: Kelley J. P. Lindberg
How to Find Pictures and Photos for Your Writer’s Blog
It seems there are two types of bloggers—those who focus on words to tell their story, and those who focus on pictures to tell their story. I’m definitely in the first camp. That doesn’t mean I don’t love images, photos, and artwork. I do, very much. I just usually think in words first, and then…
Writers: Focus Your New Year’s Resolutions on You, Not Your Wordcount
Every January, many writers—including me—list their writing resolutions for the New Year. These goals often focus on publication and productivity, such as: “Submit my completed novel to 15 agents.” “Write 3 short stories.” “Enter 2 speculative fiction contests.” “Write a new blog post twice a month.” “Finish the first draft of my new novel about…
Gifts for Writers
Is there a writer on your “Nice” list this holiday season? Are you stumped for a perfect gift for said writer? With the help of some of my author friends, I’ve compiled a list of gifts that will brighten any writer’s day. And let’s be honest—some days, those who wrestle with the written word need…
A Writer’s Thanksgiving
It can be discouraging to be a writer—or any artist for that matter. Self-doubt, rejection after rejection, bitter-tasting criticisms, more self-doubt, long hours of hard work with little or no financial gain, and yet more self-doubt. (Did I mention self-doubt?) That’s why it’s important for creatives to remind ourselves that there are benefits to this…