Writing is a solitary occupation. Well, except for the tribe of other people you need to help get your story edited, revised, polished, published, marketed, and sold. True, the actual act of putting words onto the page tends to be very solitary, even if you’re typing away in a crowded café (remember those?). But at…
Author: Kelley J. P. Lindberg
Kelley J. P. Lindberg is an award-winning author of YA and adult fiction, magazine articles, essays, and how-to books. Her fiction and essays have appeared in literary magazines such as The Baltimore Review, The Citron Review, and 99 Pine Street; in anthologies including RMFW’s Bizarre Bazaar and Pikes Peak Writers' Journeys into Possibility; and in the Tellables app for Amazon Alexa. When she isn’t writing, she’s traveling as far and as often as she can. Visit her at www.KelleyLindberg.com or follow her on X-Twitter and Instagram at @KelleyLindberg1
Just-In-Time World Building
You’re sick of hearing “Show, don’t tell.” Got it. But then you’re told to use vivid descriptions and detail-rich settings to enrich your story. So how do you describe the world your character inhabits without “telling” about it? This is a constant balancing act, whether you’re writing space operas, historical fiction, a beach-themed romance, or…
What Is a Pitch Session, Anyway? RMFW’s PitchFest 2021 Wrap-Up
Want to see a writer blanch? Whisper the words “pitch session” into their ear. Just make sure you catch them on their way to the floor when their knees buckle. What is this feared thing? A pitch session is your 10-minute opportunity to talk one-on-one with that most elusive of creatures: an agent or editor….