It’s written. It’s been workshopped. It’s had beta readers, including by some folks who will give you unvarnished feedback. You’ve let it breathe and you’ve come back to it and, wow, you don’t hate it! In fact, your manuscript is in really good shape. It’s time to go find an agent. Because if you’re going…
Author: Mark Stevens
Traditional Publishing (Part Three) – Before You Query
Okay, you are committed to finding a literary agent and seeking a traditional publisher. That’s the track you’re on. You’ve been working on your novel. You’ve taken it to critique groups and you’ve taken their feedback, made changes. Before you draw up a list of agents and start querying, there’s one more step that I…
Traditional Publishing (Part Two) – The Mindset
As I mentioned last month here on the blog, I think more writers should consider the traditional publishing option. I won’t list all my disclaimers each and every time, but please know that I fully realize you might make more money and might find readers a whole lot more quickly if decide to self-publish. I…
Traditional Publishing – Say Yes to the 2% Solution
Traditional publishing isn’t getting a lot of love these days. At least, that’s my impression. All the buzz is around indie publishing. I get it. In fact, I dig it. I love the fact that writers can get their stories out in the world and do it any way they see fit. It’s really cool…
It’s Nov. 5, 2024. How can I not write about choices? In this case, stark choices. And I’m not going to take a political position here on the RMFW blog except to say that today’s vote, in my mind, is a case of decency versus indecency. Enough said. And, as we all know, today’s vote…