Kevin Ikenberry & Sleeper Protocol Sleeper Protocol started with one sentence on a blank page. The sentence became a short story. Then the short story became a novella and soon Kevin Ikenberry realized he needed to write the story as a full-length novel. Now, Sleeper Protocol is a finalist this year in the genre fiction…
Author: Mark Stevens
Rocky Mountain Writer #79
Kevin Michaels & Still Black Remains Kevin Michaels is the author of the just-released Still Black Remains, a novel that takes readers down into the gritty streets of New Jersey with gangs and the Mafia. Michaels is the author of the critically acclaimed debut novel Lost Exit, as well as two entries in the Fight…
Everything Is Broken
I hate it when things aren’t working right. Last week was a doozy. First, it was the microphone I use to record podcasts. (Yes, RMFW, the microphone you purchased to help start the podcasts– all $50 worth. It worked for two years & 77 podcasts and then pfffft.) It looked the same as always. Nothing…
Rocky Mountain Writer #78
Angie Hodapp & Warren Hammond – New RMFW Anthology False Faces Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers is getting ready to publish a new short story anthology in 2018: False Faces: Tales of Fakes, Frauds, and Facades. This time on the podcast co-editors Angie Hodapp and Warren Hammond walk us through the process they have developed for…
Rocky Mountain Writer #77
Diane Byington & Run Away Home Diane Byington is the guest with a story about the long and winding road to finding a publisher for her first novel, Run Away Home. After seven years of work and writing and re-writing, Run Away Home is due out later this year or early next from Red Adept…