Hi Guys! (waving from sunny Tucson) Being here today feels so much like coming home. I’ve been a member of RMFW for over 20 years and if I’ve gained any knowledge of business and craft (and let’s hope some of it stuck) I owe it all to RMFW. So even if I’m soaking up the…
Author: RMFW Guest Blogger
Colorado Gold: It Takes a Village … by Angela La Voie
Each September, hundreds of RMFW members from around Colorado, members from other states, and other fiction writers convene in metro Denver for Colorado Gold, but preparing for the event starts months earlier, and dozens of volunteers contribute to the event’s success. Before the conference, planning tasks include: screening proposals from potential presenters; recruiting VIP agents,…
NovelRama: 4 Days to 25k … by Lisa Manifold
RMFW’s Independently Published Authors Liaison (IPAL) is sponsoring an event for all RMFW members this summer designed to kick your writing into high gear. Whether you’ve been noodling an idea around in your head and haven’t done anything further, or if you’ve been finishing up a writing project for what seems like an eternity, we…
IT’S A WRAP … by Kay Bergstrom aka Cassie Miles
It’s easy to start a book. Here’s a clue (4 little words): Once Upon A Time… The hard part comes when you finally type (2 little words): The End. In my fantasies, I end the book accompanied by a majestic choir rising from a cloud and singing hallelujah while critics, fraught with anticipation, rush to…
Which is Stranger—Truth or Fiction? … by Margaret Mizushima
“Humankind cannot take too much reality.” ~T.S. Elliott I love it when a grizzled detective on Dateline or 48 Hours shakes his head in amazement and says to the interviewer, “This crime is so twisted. You can’t make this kind of stuff up.” As a mystery writer, I can’t help but think, Oh, but we…