Resilience may be one of the most underrated of characteristics; as human beings it seems that the world is increasingly asking us to up our resilience game. As human beings who also happen to be writers, resilience isn’t simply a nicety, it’s obligatory. Being a writer who lacks resilience is like being a car that…
Author: RMFW Guest Blogger
Announcing the 2024 RMFW Anthology, Without Brakes—Fingers Crossed – By Paul Martz
The September 7 publication date is six months away, but news like this will not wait. First, the title. When Linda and I teamed up for the anthology, our recent experiences with Colorado wildfires made the theme a no-brainer: Colorado’s Changing Climate—a deceptively flexible theme. Some members submitted climate change stories, while others interpreted “climate”…
Morning Pages My Way – By Nanette Gamily
Most writers are familiar with writer’s block. It is the painful moment when words no longer flow freely on the page. For me, writing fiction has always been an oasis, a safe place to explore my thoughts and feelings. When I first started writing, I wrote only for myself, scribbling in notebooks or on scraps…
Johnny Worthen’s Patented Cure-All Scene Outline Template and Balding Cure* (Now with More Flavor Enhancers and Electobalm!®) *results may vary – By Johnny Worthen
First off, if you’re a fanatical pantser you should probably skip this article and go stare at a blank page for a couple hours regretting your life choices. However, if you have even a little urge to learn the miracles of writing with direction, stick around and try the clam dip. It’s an old family…
How Emotional Connection Elevates Your Craft Talk – by Nanette Gamily
Have you ever sat in a craft talk and felt it lacked something? The content was good, but fifteen minutes into the presentation, you find yourself scrolling through email on your phone. You’re bored, but you don’t know why. Perhaps you’re having trouble focusing, or maybe it’s as simple as the speaker failed to connect…