Story telling has been part of my life since I went on “adventures” with an ‘imaginary” friend. Over the years, I’ve written lots of fiction in many genres, but I usually gave up on most writing projects about a third through. Writing was like an unscratched itch for me, so, I decided to study the…
Author: RMFW Guest Blogger
From a Dinosaur Publishing in a Digital World … by Chris Goff
Okay, I admit it, I got into this game long enough ago that my first words were scribbled on white tablets, with mistakes scratched out and arrows drawn to indicate where whole passages needed to be moved. Later, I typed stories on a manual typewriter, keeping copious amounts of Wite-Out on hand. Later, because an…
The Curse of the First Pancake … by Shannon Baker
There’s a piece of writing wisdom that says to hone your craft, you must first write one million words. Back in my early years, I’d read somewhere that it takes, on average, twelve years from beginning writer to published author. If you’re writing every day, those might amount to roughly the same. If that’s the…
Guest Post – David Boop: The Snowflake Theory of Characters
By David Boop Over the lifespan of your writing career, you’ll hear lots of catchy sayings about the craft. Write what you know. End chapters on a cliffhanger. Never fight a land war with Russia in the winter. The last one may only pertain to alternate history writers, but I’m sure you’ve heard a bunch….
Guest Post: Bonnie Biafore – Enough Already
Hi, I’m Bonnie. I’m a recovering workaholic. The pace I kept was starting to affect my health and the quality of my writing. The friskiness and humor that are the hallmarks of my writing were disappearing faster than unguarded burgers when my dogs are around. So…..I’m going to play devil’s advocate to some of the…