By Jeffe Kennedy This is the cover for the Italian translation of my erotic romance, Going Under. I love it so hard. A girl never forgets her first translation. 🙂 A little known fact about me (I think) is that I spent many years studying martial arts – primarily Chinese internal styles. I still practice…
Author: rmfwBoss
Why You Should Vote for the WOTY
By Liesa Malik Okay, friends, here’s the low down, the scoop, the real deal – the WOTY is fixed! That’s right. Fixed! And you know why? Because each year three distinguished authors willing to represent our organization with their work end up on a ballot that is under-supported. It’s rather like local elections. According to…
By Aaron Ritchey I have become like Kurtz in the Congo. I have gone native. I am living in a hut, out in the jungle, and I’m writing books that don’t have the approval of the British elite in London. The horror! The horror! But do you know what? It’s awesome and scary and nerve-wracking…
Dancing About Architecture
By Colleen Oakes “Writing about music is like dancing about architecture.” Having the right music while I’m writing is of the utmost importance. In so many ways, it elevates the craft of writing, and it stimulates my brain in a way that nothing else can. Except for maybe, you know, writing. When I wrote Elly…
Five Things You Might Not Expect Going Indie
I’m very nearly through my first venture in independent publishing, and I thought it might be helpful to share some of the things I didn’t see coming.
I’m not going to spend time on the things that are easy to see. Obviously you’re going to need a cover and some sort of editing. But there are some other things you’ll need when the manuscript is all polished and shiny that you might not have thought about in advance.