Yes, I know it’s almost a year away. But time flies, as they say, and now is the time to start getting serious. Personally, I’ll start setting aside money now in an account dedicated to my writing career. If I can set aside $100 per month, I’ll have more than enough to go to Gold,…
Author: Terri Benson
Resources for Writers
I’ve put together a list of resources I’ve used or that have been recommended to me by great authors to help me with my writing, editing, and submitting. What others do you use? Share in the comments! Books On Writing by Stephen King The series of writing thesauruses by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi (and…
Pitching: It’s not just for baseball!
Every writer hears about pitching, especially when it comes to conferences and events like Colorado Gold, where agents and editors will be taking pitch appointments. I believe writers need to have two kinds of pitches: one for those all-important “professional” pitch opportunities, and one I consider a “networking” pitch. A networking pitch is similar in…
When life hands you lemons…write them into a story
I’ve been teaching a night class at the local community college about writing fiction with the intent to someday be published. Not teaching how to write, but exposing new writers to the concepts, lessons, rules, and “secrets” that, if I’d known them 20 years ago, would have saved me hundreds of hours of editing, rewriting,…
Never Enough Hours in a Day
Ever had that feeling? If you haven’t, then either you’re a very lucky person, or you’re fibbing! I’m suffering through a particularly long spell of this problem. Work is busy. My grandkids have had multiple baseball and softball games each week after work. The weeds are growing to rainforest heights due to the wonderful/awful amount…