Over the last three months, my co-editor Natasha Watts and I have had the honor of reading 78 short fiction submissions to RMFW’s 2020 anthology. Before taking on this job, I submitted countless stories, poems, and articles to countless magazines, journals, and anthologies. I learned the ropes of navigating a contract, working through revisions with…
Why You Should Start Planning Now for Colorado Gold 2020
Yes, I know it’s almost a year away. But time flies, as they say, and now is the time to start getting serious. Personally, I’ll start setting aside money now in an account dedicated to my writing career. If I can set aside $100 per month, I’ll have more than enough to go to Gold,…
Beat the Post-Conference Blues
What a conference! Eye-opening master classes and fascinating workshops that enlightened, entertained, and answered unasked questions. Exciting keynote addresses from wildly successful authors and, of course, the unequaled stimulation and joy of sharing knowledge and experiences with special friends. Pure fun! I came home pumped up with energy, new ideas, and a swirling need to…
Rocky Mountain Writer #184
Marc Graham & Son of the Sea, Daughter of the Sun Marc Graham is in the middle of a busy book-launching year. Last Spring, Graham’s second novel Song of Songs, a novel about the Queen of Sheba, was published by Blank Slate Press and in a few short weeks Graham takes us to the age…
To the Monkey Bars
Remember the grade school track meet where you earned a ribbon for finishing among the top three runners? First place received a red ribbon, second got blue, and third got green. The girls in my class were fast. I attribute their speed to the habit of boys relentlessly pursuing them during recess. Naturally they were…