Writer of the Year Speeches A live recording of two speeches given Saturday, Sept. 7 at the annul three-day Colorado Gold conference. The first speech is by Writer of the Year Margaret Mizushima and the second is by Independent Writer of the Year Stephanie Reisner. The speeches were given in the giant ballroom at…
Predictable vs. Unpredictable
Once, in a writers’ workshop, the presenter said that good fiction dwells upon one protagonist, looking at the world through her eyes as events unfold, events that fundamentally don’t change anything at all, and that the only arc, the only change throughout the book, was the protagonist’s view of events and the lessons she learns….
Come With Me Now
The ice caps are melting. The Amazon is burning. The economy is tanking. Hate is rising. Temperatures are soaring. National problems fester. Hurricanes roar. And for a full three days later this week, starting on Friday, I’ll be in the news-free bubble known as Colorado Gold. Here’s what I’ll be thinking: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I’ll block out the…
Rocky Mountain Writer #182
Linda Keir & Drowning With Others What if you had a husband and wife who each suspected the other of murder? That simple plot idea into Drowning with Others, the second novel from the writing team of Linda Hull and Keir Graff, officially launching on October 1. Drowning with Others is focused on the lives…
How to Get Ready for the Colorado Gold Conference
The Colorado Gold Conference is coming up next month. I know I look forward to this event all year long. Seeing my fellow writers, gabbing about the previous year, and celebrating my friends’ publications are all things I do at Gold. I also take classes, eat way too much, and barcon after dinner on Friday…