It used to be rare that I got stuck while writing a book. But lately, with my time more fragmented and no deadlines except those I impose on myself, I’ve found myself clawing my way through first drafts. To try and get the momentum going again, I’ve gone back to the techniques that served me…
Rocky Mountain Writer #172
Stephanie Reisner – Independent Writer of the Year Finalist What do stalkers, erotica, and the Russian mob have in common? That’s right–today’s interview with Stephanie Reisner. Aside from the flashy stuff, Stephanie talks with Natasha Watts about the nuts and bolts of making a living as a writer, and how Stephanie manages her various pen…
I Want to Interview Your Character
I don’t care which – protagonist/antagonist – preferably a major player in your latest WIP. This exercise is great for helping us flesh out characters even if those details don’t make it to the page. Having a fully detailed character comes through in other subtle ways. Try it and see – pick your favorite or…
Rocky Mountain Writer #171
Kay Bergstrom – Writer of the Year Finalist It started with a novel called Tongue-Tied, her first Harlequin Temptation title in September of 1984. Now, for Kay Bergstrom, it’s 87 books later – not including two 2 audio plays and 2 screenplay treatments and some short stories. Kay, who is one of three Writer of…
Write What You Know
“Write what you know.” That was Mrs. Frances Toepfer’s advice on the first day of English Composition class at Abraham Lincoln High School in southwest Denver more years ago than I wish to acknowledge. She then raised her glasses from the chain around her neck and studied us for a moment, expecting, I suppose, questions….