Okay, people, I am throwing down the gauntlet. After hobnobbing with some incredible authors for the last few years, I have decided to self-publish my manuscripts. For me, this was a hard decision based on a year-long conversation with a friend of mine. See, when I first started to explore what it meant to be…
How to Keep Your Newsletter from Sucking (Part Two)
When I left you on January 8th, I promised to tell you how to build your mailing list and actually sell books using your newsletter, after I screamed about people doing just that on the last post. But I promise to also share with you just how to do it without people hating you. But…
Publishing Nomenclature 101
Writers wrestle words. It’s in the job description. Sure, we start with letters and end up with War and Peace unless we’re careful, but the building really takes shape when we string words together into some kind of structure. Using the correct word, the one that means what we all think it means, matters. I…
Rocky Mountain Writer #158
Colleen Oakes & The Black Coats Colleen Oakes says there were many points of inspiration for her novel The Black Coats. In fact, she says, the came out of a “giant cauldron” of inspiration. There was a vision in her head of a group of girls holding baseball bats, a black pea coat lying on…
Your Authentic Voice
Novelist, news reporter, biographer, stand-up comedian, ventriloquist…so many professions rely on the performer to find their voice. But what does voice mean for a performer? And how do you find it? The answer is frustratingly vague…and so simple that it’s kind of hard to understand. The vague answer is that your voice is the manner…