David R Slayton & Ghost Dragon David R Slayton grew up, as he puts, in a town where Norman Rockwell meets the Twilight Zone. That town was Guthrie, Oklahoma—and it’s place where finding fantasy novels was challenging and finding fantasy novels with diverse characters was downright impossible. So what else to do but write your…
DEEP POV Lesson 5 – Using Internalization on Purpose
DEEP POV uses internalization purposefully. As you’re studying DEEP POV, you may think there’s an awful lot of internalization. You may be right. And as writers, we need to make sure our internalization – our DEEP POV – is not all over the place. Every thought the POV character has in a scene should be…
Writing Shorter
Romance Writers of America recently had an article in their online newsletter about the impact of e-books on the book market. As someone who buys e-books for a library (and helps people set up apps to access them), I can definitely say that even if sales of e-books are down slightly, the number of readers…
I’m a writer. . .aren’t I?
I got stuck on my work-in-progress. So, I answered emails from writing colleagues, I dove headfirst into critique and edit requests, I attended critique groups, I wrote blogs about writing, I did interviews on writing techniques and past releases… I kept busy, and most of it was writing-related. Meanwhile, my WIP languished. I’m a writer,…
Shout-Outs 2018
Here’s to BookBar Denver This has to be one of the snappiest independent bookstores you’re likely to ever encounter. Books. Bar. What’s not to like? They have great nibbles and excellent beer and wine, too. The joint was positively humming on Small Business Saturday, and the staff, as always, was smiling and efficient. Also, there…