Kate Jonuska & Colorado Resistance Reads “Reading is a political act.” That’s the tag line for Colorado Resistance Reads, the brainchild of RMFW’s own Kate Jonuska. Colorado #ResistanceReads curates books by Colorado authors that engage with themes relevant to today’s tumultuous political climate, including climate change, the free press, LGBTQ+ rights, the me-too movement, the…
When to retreat, and when to sally forth!
I just got back from a weekend retreat at a quiet hotel up in the mountains with several other writerly types. I get to go a couple times a year. Every time I waffle back and forth about going because it’s not cheap, and I feel guilty about spending the money and taking the time…
Free Online Marketing Courses, Part 2
Book marketing. Ugh. In my last blog, I noted that, love it or hate it, marketing is vital to your success. This is true whether your book has been released by a publisher or you’ve released it from your own indie publishing company. In addition to the outstanding educational opportunities offered by RMFW, there are…
Rocky Mountain Writer #149
Dacia Arnold Dacia Arnold is back on the podcast with an update on her first novel, a science fiction entry called Apparent Power, which launches next month. It’s the first in a trilogy and it has already received a knock-out advance review from Kirkus, which called the book’s main character, Valerie Russell, “an exceptional protagonist.”…
Thankful for the Ugly Cry
I have seen a common theme in many RMFW posts lately on a subject I am quickly learning is key to success: gratitude. As the year wraps up and my dreams of being a traditionally published author are just days away from fruition, I usher in my favorite season with a warm “soul blanket” of…