Hi, my name is Cindy Skaggs, and I write genre fiction. As ridiculous as it appears to readers, this kind of genre-as-vice mentality is an ongoing battle. Having worked in a large public library system while I finished my education, I know for a fact that librarians don’t care where something is shelved except as…
Rocky Mountain Writer #142
Live Report: 2018 Colorado Gold First-Timers Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers’ 2018 Colorado Gold Conference was held from Sept. 7 – 9 at The Renaissance Hotel in Denver. This year, podcast host Natasha Watts brought along her trusty recorder and tracked a trio of newbies. She checked in with them on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to…
How and Why I Mastered Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search engine optimization, or SEO, is a foreign language to most authors. The goal of SEO is for your audience to easily find you by searching your name or your book title. Most people never search past the first page of results given by the search engine. So, you must optimize your search-ability within these…
Rocky Mountain Writer #141
David S. Atkinson & Roses Are Red, Violets Are Stealing Loose Change From My Pockets While I Sleep This time on the podcast, two short stories (well, flash fiction) and an interview with the writer, David S. Atinkson. David, who was last on the podcast more than 18 months ago, is the author of the…
Increased procrastination or increased motivation? That depends on you.
Have you ever been searching for that something special for one of your characters, a subplot, a setting, a way to kill off a character, or perhaps researching for a historical fiction manuscript and it happens? You click. You have no self-control—you simply click! For example: Xkcd’s Radiation Dose Chart – PA: 88. LRD: 988….