A friend recently alerted me to Thelonious Monk’s “Advice” for fellow musicians. It’s so cool. I mean, Thelonious Monk! Yes, I’m more of a rock and roll guy than a jazz dude, but Monk’s artistry is unmatched. Certainly his insights and advice could be useful for other creative types. So I dug deep into Monk’s advice…
Rocky Mountain Writer #139
Maggie Smith – Short Stories, Developmental Editing & the “Hear Us Roar” Podcast The first short story Maggie Smith ever wrote, “The Devil You Know,” is being published in the brand new short story anthology, False Faces, from Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers. Maggie is also giving a workshop next month at Colorado Gold—How to Get the…
Love conquers all…
…and makes a good subplot! As you may have heard, I will miss my first RMFW conference in twenty years this year. My younger daughter, Jalena, is getting married in Keystone on September 7. A mini family reunion will follow on September 8. As you read this, you may recall some of your own family wedding…
Rocky Mountain Writer #138
Liz Roadifer & The Trouble With Fairies Liz Roadifer writes in two completely different worlds. One work is dark thrillers. The other is romantic fantasy. It’s the romantic fantasy that’s making news. Liz recently learned that The Trouble With Fairies won a National Excellence in Romance Fiction Award in a major contest sponsored by First…
7 Ways to Challenge Yourself at Conference This Year
The Colorado Gold conference is fast approaching! The weeks leading up to a conference are always exciting, and maybe a little stressful as you start packing, planning your schedule, and inevitably worrying about all the new people you’re about to meet. If conference is a nerve-wracking time for you, you’re not alone. I’m right there…