This is for all of you who submitted to Gold. Who have signed up for critique roundtables, pitches, one-on-ones. Or who just plan to come to Colorado Gold – or any other writer’s conference or contest. The reason I say congratulations is that you’ve taken the HUGE step of saying, OUT LOUD AND PROUD, that…
Blurry Vision Syndrome and Choosing
Okay, so there’s most likely—just spitballing—over one-hundred and sixty of us that didn’t final in the Colorado Gold contest. (Isn’t that just a bother!) Shocked? Pride wounded? In the depths of disagreement? Lost yourself in darkness, even though, well, it’s not dark? Confounded? Downright mad? Everything is blurry—including your future? You’ve got it—Blurry Vision Syndrome….
Rocky Mountain Writer #137
Live Panel at The Tattered Cover – Writer of the Year Finalists & Independent Writer of the Year Finalists Recorded live at The Tattered Cover on Tuesday, August 14—the annual panel for the finalists for Independent Writer of the Year and Writer of the Year, this year moderated by current Independent Writer of the Year…
Rocky Mountain Writer #136
Linda Keir & The Swing of Things Linda Hull is the author of the Mrs. Frugalicious Mystery Series, a couple of romance novels, and The Big Bang – a book that Library Journal called a fun, sexy suburban soap opera with a touch of mystery. Linda, who lives in Denver, is a former Rocky Mountain…
A Basic Guide to Flash Fiction
A few years ago, I hit writer’s block. I was halfway through writing my first novel and I was stuck. I needed a side project, something to give my brain a break from my work-in-progress but keep me on track with my writing habits. This was when I discovered flash fiction. Flash fiction is an…