Warren Hammond & Denver Moon: The Mind of Mars Warren Hammond is never lost in space. In fact, he’s quite at home away from planet Earth. His KOP trilogy was set on a planet called Lagarto and his standalone, The Tides of Maritinia was set on, you guessed it, a planet called Maritinia. This time…
Fresh Mind Syndrome: A Writer’s Affliction
The comic strip Pickles features an adorable 70-something couple named Earl and Opal Pickles. In Sunday’s issue, Earl asks Opal, “Why do I have to say everything twice?” This is related to one of my husband’s frequent complaints: I never listen to him. He may tell me twice that he’s playing golf on Friday, but…
Kesey & Me
Who or what first inspired you to write? I’ve always believed the reading experience is not only subjective, but highly situational. By that I mean that reading The Catcher in the Rye at fifteen is a fundamentally different experience than reading it at forty. Because while books do not age, their readers, and the world…
Rocky Mountain Writer #132
Kerry Anne King & Whisper Me This Kerry Anne King’s Whisper Me This officially launches on August 1 but it’s already being reviewed on Amazon and is ranked way up there among all top fiction – in fact, when we recorded this interview, ranked at number 12. That is one of the advantages of being…
Sisters in Arms: Female Characters in Contemporary Military Fiction
I am a U.S. Army veteran of ten years. I deployed twice to Iraq with a Combat Support Hospital (think M*A*S*H* but in today’s wars). Now I’m a 34-year-old mom of two small children. One thing I experience as a female veteran on all platforms is that many people forget women serve and have served…