The following conversation actually took place: Coworker: “How can I submit only the first chapter of my manuscript to a contest? The good stuff doesn’t start until chapter three—maybe four.” Me: “Your story doesn’t begin where you think it begins.” CW: “Sure as the day you were born, it starts in chapter one.” Me: “As…
The Networked Economy
And now for a few harsh words about operating in the Networked Economy. The problem for most indies—particularly new ones—isn’t producing a book. Once you’ve gotten a full draft written, the rest is mechanics. Cover art is cheap. Editing is relatively cheap. Conversion from word processor to ebook, and even paper, is cheap. After you…
DEEP POV – Introduction
Hello and welcome to another online adventure! I think we’re going to have a great time going DEEP. First, let me re-introduce myself. I’m Jax Hunter. I write romance (military romance, paranormal romance, and hockey romance) and historical fiction. I “found” DEEP POV quite a few years ago, before I started the military romance series….
Friends Don’t Let Friends Title Alone
Last month, the awesomeness that is Terri Bischoff, editor at Midnight Ink, for those who haven’t had the pleasure, asked for some ideas on the title and series titling for my upcoming books (Book 1 due out in March 2019). When I sold the series, I had a title for the first book, but I…
A Colorado Gold Fairy Tale
Once there was a new writer who attended the Colorado Gold conference. She’d been writing for about two years and had a completed manuscript, which she’d entered in the Colorado Gold contest, but it didn’t place. She’d come with fairly low expectations. Although her coworkers at the library where she worked were convinced this was…