Mandy Mikulencak & The Last Suppers Writer of the Year nominee Mandy Mikulencak lives outside Durango but grew up in Texas. She has set one published novel, The Last Suppers, in Louisiana and the next one, due out next year, in Mississippi. Her first book was a gritty young adult novel set in Durango called…
Plot Puppets, Doppelgängers, Villains and let’s not forget, Revulsion and Disgust
Yeah, my secret’s out of the bag, I can’t really think of anything to blog about this month using my own words, especially with humor. So, I’ve taken parts of blogs and an article from other writers. #DONALD #MAASS (Taken from): Acting in ways honest and human is what psychologists—and literary critics—call being authentic. Realism…
Six Tips for Working Through Writer’s Guilt
As a new author in the midst of my very first publishing contract, I very much feel like I am flapping in the wind. If you’ve landed on this blog, chances are you know what I’m talking about. While I claim to be a full-time writer, oftentimes I go a week or two without producing…
Rocky Mountain Writer #125
Brian M. Taylor & 12 Blackened Petals As he puts it in his official bio, Brian M. Taylor has spent his life learning new skills in order to tell better stories. Brian’s first novel was released in 2016 and now he has three novels under his belt with many more to come. Brian writes science…
Meet the IWOTY Finalist: Corinne O’Flynn
For all that is good and holy in the world, what possessed you to become an author? As if any of us have a choice… How did you conceive the idea for your latest novel? My paranormal mystery novel GHOSTS OF WITCHES PAST was inspired by a mansion that I stumbled upon while taking a…