Have you ever had one of those when you’re writing? When you suddenly notice something that was right there, but you couldn’t see it until that exact moment in time? I recently had one, and while it gave me a bit of a headache, it was definitely a good thing. This weekend was the Jeffery Deaver…
Meet the WOTY Finalist: Curtis Craddock
For all that is good and holy in the world, what possessed you to become an author? I was told there would be no math. Are you a plotter or a pantser? Being a pantser technically requires pants, which is a level of organization to which I can only aspire. If you were a taco…
Rocky Mountain Writer #123
Paul Toth & Science Fiction Ideas Paul Toth’s interest in science fiction may have started in an extremely remote town in Alaska where fantasy role playing helped add to the variety of life. But through moves to San Francisco and Boise and now Omaha, Paul has kept his interest in science fiction and is today…
Writing on the Go
I love to travel! I enjoy the planning, the happy anticipation—and the dead time that’s so conducive to writing. I pack to take advantage of all of it. Here are some of the ways I make time for new scenes and chapters when I travel. Small laptop. Mine’s a Mac Pro 13-inch screen. You can…
Take the Member Survey!
The RMFW Committee to explore the proposed change from a 501c6 (trade organization) to a 501c3 (charitable organization) would like to get to know the membership of RMFW and their needs better. Your honest response to this questionnaire will go a long way in helping us bring a recommendation to the board. See FAQ: https://rmfw.org/about-rmfw/501faq/…