For all that is good and holy in the world, what possessed you to become an author? Possessed is a great word to use! It almost felt as if I had no choice in the matter. I’d been a writer and editor in the nonprofit sector for almost two decades but had never written fiction….
Writing Fresh
I recently heard about a rising singer/songwriter who has found some success on social media who decided to interview herself on her own blog. How does that even work? ME: So, what’s your main inspiration for writing? MYSELF: Why are you asking me? You probably know better than I do. I: Or at least as…
Meet the IWOTY Finalist: Bernadette Marie
How did you conceive the idea for your latest novel? My newest paranormal is actually the book I wrote from the time I was 13 years old until I was 35! I had hundreds of different versions, and it’s the only thing I’ve ever written that hasn’t been published. So I’m rewriting it as a…
One Judge’s Tale
Last year, I judged the Edgar Awards for the Mystery Writers of America. I was on the committee that selected Best Novel. My committee was nine judges to start with, including me. One judge dropped out somewhere around August, perhaps overwhelmed by the number of books or underwhelmed by the stories he was reading. I’ll…
Meet the WOTY Finalist: Gwen Florio
For all that is good and holy in the world, what possessed you to become an author? Because I can’t afford really good drugs, so I thought I’d destroy my sanity this way instead? That’s the only reason that makes even a shred of sense. Are you a plotter or a pantser? Pantser! Pantser! Pantser!…