As a mere child, I’d cut letters from words to make more words. For example, from the title of this blog, Words Matter: matt, rat, as, word, sword, words, matter, toward, wad, or, more, war, roar, stat, at, dot, draw, date, mate, rate, ate, watt, smart. Then, I’d form silly sentences: Draw Matt as a…
Rocky Mountain Writer #115
Mike Houtz & Dark Spiral Down Mike Houtz just signed a deal with Wild Rose Press to publish his first novel, Dark Spiral Down. The deal wouldn’t have happened had Mike not signed up for one of the key features at every Colorado Gold conference—to pitch to the many agents and editors who fly into…
Writing Romance: A Word About Sex
Hello Campers, Last month I promised to take a side trip here and discuss – ahem – sex. Is sex necessary in a romance novel? That’s a huge question. Before I move into the real discussion, I’ll point out that my romances do not have sex in them. That is a personal decision I made,…
February isn’t just for lovers. IT’S FOR WRITERS!!!!!
February is made for writing. Seriously. The weather sometimes sucks (unless you live in Colorado, like most RMFW writers), leaving us with no excuse but to get some words on the page. We’re also still in our honeymoon period with the hastily made New Year word count resolutions (by June it’s all over) we’ve made….
Rocky Mountain Writer #114
Pamela Nowak & Colorado Gold Workshop Proposals In the words of Pamela Nowak, there are “tough decisions” ahead. That’s because she and her committee will receive three times as many proposals for workshops at Colorado Gold than she has room to book. Yes, planning for the 2018 edition of September’s Colorado Gold conference is well…