Writing can often become labor-intensive. We become so focused on rewrites and editing and tightening up the grammar and narrative and plotting and on and on and on… Sometimes it’s fun, for a break, to remind yourself why you’re writing this thing – at it’s most basic, because it’s fun to tell stories. One of…
Writing Naked
I am critical of badly written sex scenes. I want, therefore, to be able to write an emotionally singular scenario that scorches as it burns through the heat of unfolding events; a scene that twins joyous abandon with losing one’s self in a blazing physical coupling of passion and sweat. I read various authors with…
WOTY/IWOTY Nominations
Hey everyone! It’s that time of year again. The selection committees are assembled and it’s time to start accepting Writer of the Year (WOTY) and Independent Writer of the Year (IWOTY) nominations. The WOTY will be open to those traditionally published, and the I-WOTY will be for those independently published. If you are a member…
Tackling Your 2018 Reading Goals
Reading is one of the best things you can do to become a better writer. Reading work by more experienced authors shows you how they’ve tackled the same challenges you’re facing. It helps you see what works (and, sometimes, what doesn’t). Reading a variety of genres and styles sparks new ideas. Reading other authors’ voices…
Busy, Busy, Busy! (quote from Professor Hinkle’s bunny)
Okay, the holidays are over. New Year’s resolutions are done (and I mean done, as in missed, forgotten, totally not going to happen already). Time to get my act in gear. Yep. Time to do that. Starting tomorrow. Or maybe this weekend will be better because, you know, I’ll have more time to get it…