Starting out a new year always seems like “Woo! A fresh beginning! A chance to start over!” with the implication that “This time, I’ll do it right!” Yeah. I’ve got a couple of nits to pick with that. First, the same applies to every morning. I prefer to look at each new day as a…
Rocky Mountain Writer #111
Wendy Terrien: 2017 Independent Writer of the Year Last summer, Wendy Terrien was named Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers’ Independent Writer of the Year. In August, she published two novels on the same day. Both were sequels to her first novel, The Rampart Guards, which just happened to be named one of Kirkus Reviews’ Best Books…
Rocky Mountain Writer #110
Jennifer Rose & The Book of Keys (Twins of Orion Series) Jennifer Rose might have just what you need as you begin to ponder your writing goals and plans for 2018. On Saturday, Jan. 6 Jennifer is presenting RMFW’s free monthly workshop at the Sam Gary Branch library in Denver. The workshop will run from 1…
A Writer’s Wishlist
Dear Santa, I know we writers can be coy about what gifts we want. And I’m sure you’re tired of getting us the same things year after year (books, and the occasional desk accessory). So, I’m just gonna say what we’re all thinking and tell you what I really want for Christmas this year. Representation…
The Gifts of Writing
Everything in the city was clammy, doorknobs and train handrails slick with other people’s sweat, the air heavy with the smell of yesterday’s lunch. If that isn’t enough from page one of Sara Novic’s debut novel, Girl at War, perhaps sentences from page two will prick your writer self: We took cold showers and walked…