When it comes time to make the decision about publishing path, too often indie writers overlook the fundamentals until the lack of foundation feels overwhelming. Once overwhelmed, the situation doesn’t get any better. For this year’s Colorado Gold, I put together a list of things to do – and the sequence I believe makes the…
The Black Bourgeoisie and Acting White
For those who don’t remember learning about Marxism, the Bourgeoisie were those who stood at the top of the economic ladder because they controlled the means of production. They were the land owners and factory owners. When discussing African-Americans, the “Black Bourgeoisie” are the very top of the socio-economic period. They are the doctors and…
Writing Romance: The Inciting Incident
Last month, we compared and contrasted WANT vs. NEED. Again, we’re using Jami Gold’s beat sheet as a basis for these articles. This month, we’re moving on to the Inciting Incident. If you research “inciting incident,” you’ll find that most definitions include the idea of thrusting the protagonist(s) forward into the main action of the…
Rocky Mountain Writer #102
Aimie K. Runyan & Daughters of the Night Sky After listening to this episode with historical fiction writer Aimie K. Runyan, you might want to think about keeping an idea file. When things went flat with her first publisher, Aimie needed a Plan B and she was ready, dipping into a list of concepts she…
Where Do Your Ideas Come From?
(Writer’s Digest, 1952)