The Colorado Gold Conference is upon us and I cannot contain my excitement. I will revel for three days in the company of fellow writers. I will meet amazing people. I will reconnect with old friends. I will learn about, and be inspired by, the craft of writing. I will get my batteries charged. I…
The Price of Our Dreams (Title Borrowed!)
When he talks about writing, George Saunders brings it all down to earth. He’s so straightforward, so sure, so clear about every phase of the process. And reassuring, too. Literary snobbishness? Zip and ola. I’ve sung his praises before and reviewed Tenth of December, a terrific collection of imaginative short stories. I could also post…
Colorado Gold 2017: Some Practical Information
More Questions? Join our FACEBOOK GROUP for Conference attendees! Conference is almost here! In addition to the previous conference day-by-day walk-through info post, here is some practical information to help you get organized: Parking: Parking is free at the hotel for conference attendees. Yay! You’ll need to validate your parking ticket at the front desk before…
The Sacred Work of Storytelling
Nearly two weeks ago, the sun disappeared (at least if you were in the direct path of the eclipse). For a few minutes, the air grew cooler and the birds grew quiet. I couldn’t help but think about how ancient people must have viewed an eclipse. They may have wondered if the sun would come…
Rocky Mountain Writer #98
Peggy Waide & RMFW-U Online Classes The guest on the podcast this time is the only person in Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers with the title of “dean.” Peggy Waide is the dean of RMFW University, an online learning program that is offering an increasingly rich series of classes. In fact, there’s a class coming up…