Your book launch is like a ship christening, right? Pomp, circumstance. The whole bit. You invite as many people as you know, including every stranger you encounter in the weeks leading up. You bash yourself a little bit for not doing a better job of keeping your email lists tightly organized over the years. And,…
Curing White Room Syndrome: How to Ground Your Reader
This is my second year serving as a judge for the Colorado Gold contest (which I highly recommend, for a number of reasons—but that’s a story for another blog post). After judging a dozen or so entries, I noticed I was making the same comment on almost every single manuscript: I didn’t feel grounded enough. Lack…
I Won!
I did it! I’m the best. Problem is, I won the Writing Procrastination Award, hands down. I’ve managed to find about four hundred different reasons not to write – at least not what I was supposed to. Some of my excuses are good ones – I submitted to the RMFW Anthology, I submitted to Gold,…
Writers: Learn to Love Revision
When you look at some of the writing advice out here in the great etheric wonder that is the internet, what you’ll see is a lot of the same information repeated over and over. This is because writing isn’t a science, it’s a very subjective process which looks similar to lots of different people, but…
Checklist for Business Cards
Conference is just seven weeks away. Do you even need business cards? Now’s the time to decide and start designing them so you can take advantage of those great printing deals…and ensure that your card will work hard for you. Over the years, I’ve shared my business cards with editors and agents during appointments and…