We’ve all been there. Or maybe we’re there right now? In this collective, yet solitary brain-trust known as writing. This hive-mind of almost universally shared desire. It’s what we do. Why? Because we have stories to tell. So we spit them out of our heads and onto paper (never mind the mess). But what do…
1, 2, 3: How to reach your goals
Wannabe goals. We all made them for the new year, right? Unbelievably, we’re now knocking on the door to June. Often our goals are unspoken but sincere, something we know we need to accomplish to advance our writing. They inspire us for a moment then, in the face of our busy lives, we allow them…
Rocky Mountain Writer #85
Charles Kowalski & Mind Virus We’ve got sage advice this time … all the way from Japan. Charles Kowalski a few weeks away from the release of his first novel, Mind Virus, but it’s been a long road to reach this point. And Charles knows it was all meant to be. He had just the…
Singing the Book Promotion Blues
With a new book coming out in June, I have had the pleasure—and the pain—of deciding what I need to do to get the word out. My decisions are similar to the ones anyone launching a book makes. Being realistic, there is only so much time and money, and never enough. There is also a limited…
Oh #Murphy! Thank Goodness for #Erma.
I’m usually a “the glass is half full” kind of a gal. However, I finally washed my car, (inside and outside), and then I waxed my Buddy. Buddy is just past five years old. He’s blue with a high ground clearance for vehicles in his class. Oh, hail! The frozen balls crashed into him without…