Discoverability is one of those newish buzzwords that tries to describe the process by which a reader finds a book to read. The problem with the generally accepted view of discoverability is that the goal is not to have people discover a book. You can’t build a career on a book. As an author you…
Rocky Mountain Writer #84
Teresa Funke & The Self-Publishing Blueprint Teresa Funke is a high-in-demand coach who assists writers with all sorts of advice for every step of the process. As a writer and self-publisher, she has has done some creative and innovative things that have worked. And a few that have not. So she wanted to share what…
Beating Writer’s Block—by Not Writing
I’ve been having some issues with writer’s block lately, so I decided to write about writer’s block. Then I got writer’s block regarding my post about writer’s block. (Insert Inception joke here.) Just to put some icing on the cake, I’m also teaching a class about how to deal with writer’s block at Savvy Authors…
Writing Romance: The Delta, Theta, and Beta Heroes
Welcome back, Campers. This month we’ll look at three other types of romance heroes: the Delta, the Theta, and the Beta heroes. (And how about those Oxford commas!) The Delta – the dark and dangerous. His past is so dark, so damaging, and combines with such a darker temperament that he exiles himself from society…
Listening to the Universe
About a year ago, my agent and I tried to sell a 65k fairytale-pun-ie mystery. We didn’t even get a request for a full. Ouch, right? *Admittedly (or so I don’t start crying at the lack of requests), it wasn’t a project either of us was pushing. It went out to a handful of editors…