No, “completely annihilated” does not mean this a column about drinking. This is about something Mario Vargas Llosa once said. Okay, I’ll back up. Last week I had a cool opportunity in New York to moderate a panel at the Edgar Symposium. This is a day-long event prior to the Edgar Awards, the annual prizes…
Follow the Yellow Brick Road…
Back in March of 2013, Mark Stevens caught up with me at Left Coast Crime in Colorado Springs and asked if I might be interested in reviving the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers blog. It’s possible he caught me in a weak moment, perhaps after a glass of wine, but I said I’d think it over….
Do You Have What it Takes to Be a Fiction Writer in the Modern Age? A Quiz … by Tim Weed
It requires a huge investment of time and years of immersion in the literary craft to write a viable novel or short story collection, and let’s face it: publishing these days is worse than a crapshoot. You may not find a publisher, and even if you do find one – or if you take the…
Coping with Rejection: a 12-Step Program
Rejection can take many forms. For some of us, it’s our short fiction being turned away by one magazine after another. For others, it’s agents rejecting our novels at the query letter, partial, or full manuscript stage. And if you go the indie route, it can rear its ugly head as poor sales or harsh…
How Busy is Too Busy?
For writers, and most other people, this is an individual question. How many things you work into your schedule, and how much time you choose to spend not writing, is predicated by your life and will never be like anyone else’s. If you’re like Corrine O’Flynn, the coordinator for the Colorado Gold Conference, you must…