It is our pleasure to introduce Zoe Smith-Holladay, a 12 year-old creative writing major at the Denver School of the Arts and a member of Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers. Zoe is founder & author of, an animal blog that she started when she was eight. In Spring 2016, Smith-Holladay’s first fictional piece of prose…
The Thrill of the Unexpected
Recently, I was preparing for a trip and was in the mood for a mystery. With nothing new out from my favorite authors, I searched on-line. I ended up downloading two books, one set in North Wales, one of my favorite places in the world, and the other in Belfast. Both of these books are…
What Is This Blog Post About?
Sometimes an idea for my next post on this blog comes to me in a flash, all at once, all written in my head. Other times I struggle. Sometimes the struggle is to come up with an idea, sometimes the struggle is to pick from way-too-many ideas teeming around in my head. Today the struggle…
Getting to Know You: The RMFW Q&A Project #8
The Getting to Know You Project is intended to introduce RMFW members with short responses to three questions, a photo, and a few social media links if available. If you would like to participate in the project for future months, please email Pat Stoltey at Betsy Dornbusch Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:…
After the Editing: When an agent says it’s ready!
Not that long ago I put up a post about what it’s like editing with an agent. Well it’s time to take that a step farther. Because Deity Six, my very first completed novel, has since transitioned from 1) finding an agent. And 2) going through and finishing edits with said agent. To step 3)…