Good News. I’m finally DONE with the second book in my new international thriller series, RED SKY. I’ve done two revisions, looked at the first page pass, the second page pass, and just turned in the final page pass. The ARCs are in the hands of a couple of reviewers, the launch date is set (June…
All you need is #love … by Rainey Hall
All you need is #love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt. Charles Schulz How exciting. That time of year where I buy my own chocolate, and one exotic looking flower. However, unlike my cousin who fancies a direct line to 1-800-SEXPERT, I am truly in love with a real man. The MOST…
Rocky Mountain Writer #73
LS Hawker & End of the Road This episode of the Rocky Mountain Writer is a chat with Lisa (a.k.a. LS) Hawker. LS Hawker’s third novel, End of the Road, was published last month by the Witness Impulse imprint of Harper Collins. Lisa offers fun, interesting and heartfelt stories about her books, including an amazing story about…
Upcoming/Deadlines RMFW Events
February 2017 Online Class: February 12-18 | Dialog: Let Your Characters Do the Talking Event: February 18, 10am-12pm | Denver Free Program | Beyond the Bug-eyed Monster March 2017 Submissions Open: March 1 | 2018 Anthology Event: March 4, 12pm-2pm | Denver Free Program | Everything You Need to Know about the 2018 Anthology Event:…
How to Identify & Avoid Some Common “Bad” Publishing Deals
Business-savvy authors must learn to recognize and avoid a wide variety of scams and legal but inappropriate publishing deals. Some of the most dangerous ones remind me of my law school contracts professor’s warning that “a person can make as good a deal, or AS BAD A DEAL, as (s)he is able.” Some publishing offers are very bad deals indeed. Not all…