Josh Viola & Cyber World The Rocky Mountain Writer debuts a brand new feature – Writer’s Rehab with Natasha Watts. In this occasional segment about the craft of writing fiction, Natasha offers brief tips and strategies for braking bad habits. First up are some ideas for writers who aren’t hitting the necessary word counts on their…
Living The Dream
This month I want to talk a bit about living the dream. As a full time science fiction author, I’m in the sometimes unenviable position of working for myself. Like most things indie, it comes with good points and not so good points. It means the boss always knows when I’m goofing off and my…
Promotion Options—Thunderclap and Head Talker
During my Kindle Scout campaign, I decided to try some new promotional options that I’ve seen some other folks use with some success. One of these was Thunderclap. In the process, I discovered Head Talker, a similar promotional outlet. This month, I’m going to talk about these promotional outlets and the impressions I got from…
Romance Sub-genres – Part 1
Before we go deeper into the elements of a great romance novel, let’s take a side trip and talk about the sub-genres of Romance. Maybe you’ve heard the term “Category” or “Series” romance. These terms don’t really reflect a subgenre so much as a publishing concept. Harlequin and Silhouette are the big names here. Each…
All Hail Conan! (And Buy The Book)
I’m here today with a handy tip for the season of the gift. Order a copy of Conan the Grammarian, Practical Guidelines on Grammar and Craft for Fiction Writers. A mere $10. (Actually, $9.95.) And then give it to a writer friend for Christmas or your holiday of choice. Birthdays would work, too. Boom, done….