“This is precisely the time when artists go to work. There is no time for despair, no place for self-pity, no need for silence, no room for fear. We speak, we write, we do language. That is how civilizations heal.” ~Toni Morrison
I’m in the dreaded days between turning the last revision into the editor and waiting for the acceptance so I can get paid. How do I fill my time? By working on the next book, of course, and, no, I don’t do NaNo. I find it stressful, and a way to focus more on how…
Diana Gabaldon to join us for 2017 Colorado Gold!
With our 35th Annual Colorado Gold coming next year, there are some fabulous things brewing. If you’re on the RMFW Conference Facebook Group, (come over and join us!) you may have already seen my announcement that we’re adding Saturday lunch to the program next year. Because of the special anniversary, we’re adding this meal at…
It’s What’s Up Front That Counts
Back in the Dark Times, there used to be a commercial with the tag-line “It’s what’s up front that counts.” Their value-added proposition was that – ahem – first impressions matter. This month I thought it might be useful to look at book layout because when it comes to books, what’s up front does count….
Rocky Mountain Writer #64
Barbara Nickless & Blood on the Tracks In June of 2012, Barb Nickless and her family were told to evacuate their house in Waldo Canyon, northwest of Colorado Springs, because a wildfire was bearing down. Authorities told Barb to plan on being gone for a few days. Instead, Barb’s house burned to the ground, one of…