After the recent Colorado Gold Conference, I found myself wondering about indie/self-publishing and traditional publishing. When I joined my first Gold Conference back in 2008, I/S publishing was the DEVIL. No, really, like the actual end of the world four to five horsemen. (I first typed horsemint, which is, according to word, any various coarse…
Announcing our 2017 Colorado Gold Keynote Speakers!
As embers of 2016 Colorado Gold Conference cool and the ashes are brushed away and collected in the bin, I find it’s hard to get back to everyday life. Time with our tribe ignites the flames of creativity and comradeship, reminds us that we are part a larger whole, and—if we’re lucky—fuels us until the next…
Writing Productivity–How Do You Improve It?
I came away from the Colorado Gold enthused and energized from being around other writers, the only people who truly understand that part of my life. Even the best friends and closest family members don’t really get it, unless they’re also writers. I also came away with the realization that I have to find a…
As I write this I am still days away from the most traumatic experience of my life – surgery. But by the time you read this, not only will it all be over, I will be well on my way to recovery, if not fully recovered. I will know whether or not the mass they…
Volunteers, How Does RMFW Love Thee? … by Angela La Voie
As RMFW volunteer coordinator, I keep trying to count the ways. To the Breadth and Height More than one hundred volunteers contributed to the success of Colorado Gold this September. Thank you! What on earth takes a hundred volunteers? Some of the most visible roles at conference include working at the registration and information desk,…