Our monthly feature, The RMFW Spotlight, is intended to provide members of Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers with more information about our board members as well as featured volunteers. This month we’re pleased to present our Volunteer Coordinator, Angela La Voie. 1. Welcome to the blog, Angela. Tell us what you do for RMFW and why…
Getting to Know You: The RMFW Q&A Project #3
The Getting to Know You Project is intended to introduce RMFW members with short responses to three questions, a photo, and a few social media links if available. If you would like to participate in the project for future months, please email Pat Stoltey at blog@rmfw.org Cassandra Cridland LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cassandra-cridland-73671b4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Rapidlight 1. We…
Go ahead and laugh at me…
So, as many of you know, I’ve been going to comic cons across the country, from Seattle, Washington to Hartford, Connecticut, to sell my books and to chat with people. Thank you, WordFire Press! I found myself sitting on a panel discussing the various benefits and drawbacks of Indie versus traditional when someone said, “Above…
Rocky Mountain Writer #51
Wendy J. Fox & The Pull of It Wendy J. Fox, author of the forthcoming The Pull Of It, is the guest. The Pull Of It debuts in late September from Underground Voices. Wendy is also the author of The Seven Stages of Anger and Other Stories, which won the inaugural Press 53 Award for Short Fiction….
Writer’s Stew and the Snake
I might be the only writer suffering from information overload, but I doubt it. I subscribe to several writer’s blogs, as well as RMFW, RWA, etc. I read a ton of great information on writing every week including mechanics, marketing, story structure—you name it. I go to as many workshops as I can, glomming on…