Did that headline get your attention? Did you instant click in to read the rest of the post? Or did you scoff, throwing your hands in the air, saying “there is no formula to a bestseller.” When I read the PW Weekly article, What Makes a Bestseller? Two SMP Authors Say They Know the Formula….
Conference Spotlight: Agent & Editor Critique Round Tables
Thinking about signing up for a critique round table at conference? Act now, because registration is required and registration for those sessions closes this week (July 15). The critique round table sessions are among the most popular offerings at RMFW Colorado Gold. Three and a half hours in length, the round tables offer you a…
Publish Or Perish
Once you have a final manuscript, ebook* layout and design is easy. Keep it simple. Use default fonts. The readers will use the fonts they want anyway. Don’t get tricky with putting the text on the page because readers will change the size, the flow, the color, everything. Those hours you spend putting together the…
Things I Hate to Admit to Myself
There’s nothing that turns me off of a keynote speech at any gathering of writers – be it conferences, workshops, retreats, whatever – more than when the speaker starts out by telling you how impossible it is for you to become a successful writer. When they say that less than 1% of all books submitted…
Colorado Gold: It Takes a Village … by Angela La Voie
Each September, hundreds of RMFW members from around Colorado, members from other states, and other fiction writers convene in metro Denver for Colorado Gold, but preparing for the event starts months earlier, and dozens of volunteers contribute to the event’s success. Before the conference, planning tasks include: screening proposals from potential presenters; recruiting VIP agents,…