I was going to call this blog “Saul Goodman wants to review your contract” but then no one would read it because contracts are boring. And everyone knows that Susan Spann is the lawyer you want to work with. Duh. Who is Saul Goodman? Come on, guys, he’s the lawyer in Breaking Bad. And if…
Why Do You Write?
Is it because you can’t stand all the voices in your head shouting to be heard, fighting with each other for dominance, pushing and shoving to get out (oh, is that just me?). Do you write because you want to be a best-selling author with a bajillion dollars and an agent and editor who send…
The ‘Real’ Cost of Publishing: How to Publish on a Limited Budget
I’ve been rich (not really, but saying it sure makes me feel better and there’s always the lottery). I’ve been poor (stupid lottery). I’ve been traditionally published. I’ve been self-published. Now for the big reveal…(drumroll, please). Both options can be very expensive. No matter what my title implies. If you indie publish, all the things…
To the Best Actress, a Vampire Breast Lift!
What the Oscars reveal about good writing As Oscar Night nears, I’ve been movie viewing. Two years ago I decided I had approached this awards night unprepared too many times. Movie after movie was highlighted and praised, and too often my viewed flicks were limited to Disney and Pixar. Then our daughters left home and…
Of Software and Hardware, a personal story
Up until about two months ago, I was the last writer I knew still using the Word Perfect word processing program. I was also about three versions behind and Corel (the creator of Word Perfect) no longer supported my version. If I wanted the newest version, I’d have to pay hundreds of dollars for it….