Colorado Gold – Workshop Proposal Prep This is a live recording from the February 13 workshop held in Denver with Suzie Brooks, Pamela Nowak and Wendy Howard. The workshop was organized to offer suggestions, ideas and advice for those submitting proposals to present at Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers’ three-day Colorado Gold conference in September….
Understanding Your Ebook Rights
With a new year upon us, my #PubLaw for Writers guest posts here at the RMFW blog will focus on helping authors understand and protect their legal rights. Today, we’re kicking it off with a little more about ebook rights–what they are, and how they function in a publishing contract. Ebook Rights are Normally Addressed in a Contract’s “Grant…
An Experiment in Decreasing Book Launch Stress
People are going to read it. Not just friendly people who love you.
You’ve hoped all along that the reading masses will love and adore your book. Universal praise! Money! Fans! Helicopters!
Nope. Even the most successful of books have their share of haters. Trolls will read your book. Critics. Reviewers. Readers who don’t understand what you were trying to do and totally miss the point.
Or, worse, maybe nobody will read it. Maybe you’ll send your little book out into the world and it will drift, lonely and unloved, in a tiny little backwater somewhere far away from civilization.
Guest: Jason Henry Evans – Craft Corner, The Passive Voice
Welcome to the Craft Corner. I am relatively new to the world of writing fiction, so as I step into landmines and blow up another writing convention, I will be sure to write about it here. Enough about me. Let’s talk about the passive voice. What is it? Why is there such an uproar over…
Volunteering, it’s a little like writing
I’m RMFW president. Huh. Didn’t see that coming. I live on the western slope. People said no one outside of the Denver area would ever be president. That was ok with me. When I wrote my first words and sat back to re-read them, I admired those words. I was writing the next best seller….