Yeah, I know, it’s backwards. Everyone always says Work/Life balance, right? Well, after Colorado Gold this month, I can see how we’ve had it wrong all this time. I mean, really, which is more important: Life or Work? (Hint: this is not a hard question to answer) Yes, most of us need to work to…
Where to Begin: A Review of Sharon Mignerey’s Workshop … by Samantha Ross
The story is … off. There is something wrong with it, and you don’t know exactly what it is. How do you fix it? Something went wrong somewhere. Not sure where. Or what is wrong. You’re stuck. It’s a huge tangle. How do you even start to fix it? You start at the beginning. Oh,…
After Colorado Gold…Now What do I do?
Twenty-one years ago, I attended my first Colorado Gold conference. I recall standing in awe of the published authors (often in the corner, scared to death, thinking I didn’t belong there). I remember how Kay Bergstrom spoke to me, offering welcome and encouragement. I went to as many workshops as I could cram in, hungry…
Another Successful Year at Colorado Gold
What a wonderful weekend we had at the 33rd Annual Colorado Gold Conference! On behalf of our board and volunteers, we hope you learned new things to apply to your writing, found yourself encouraged and inspired to keep developing your ideas, and felt supported and connected after three days of classes, panels, critiques, workshops, speeches,…
Colorado Gold 2015: Another Wonderful Weekend With the Herd
Another Colorado Gold Conference (my sixth) has come and gone. No matter how I try to freeze the clock, somehow the moments pass–far faster than normal–and it seems things have no sooner started than I’m home once more and waiting for the next one. This was an unusually wonderful Colorado Gold for me, this year,…