What made the conference spectacularly awesome was hanging out with other writers. I skipped interesting and informative classes to talk to writers. I stayed up way past my bedtime and functioned on minimal sleep in order to spend time hanging out with writers. I even skipped coffee once or twice in order to talk to writers.
Adventures in Cover Art for Traditionally, Hybrid, and Self-Published Authors by Theresa Alan
You finally finished your one-hundred-thousand word masterpiece after tireless effort, and, if your writing process is like mine, much metaphorical head bashing against your laptop. You think the hard part is done. You are wrong. Whether you’re traditionally published, self-published, or choose a hybrid publisher (you’ll get a small or no advance, an editor, a…
Rocky Mountain Writer Podcast #15
Rocky Mountain Writer Podcast – Episode #15 Terri Benson: Western Slope Coordinator for RMFW Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers’ Western Slope Coordinator Terri Benson chats about workshops and related activities around Grand Junction. She also talks about her writing career, about the advantages of getting involved in RMFW, and the thirty years of work that preceded…
Are Your Characters Larger than Life?
So what exactly is a “larger than life” character? You hear that term bandied about all the time, especially as one of the attributes agents and editors are looking for in a good story. If you were to take the term literally, you’d be wrong. It fact, larger than life is often misused and assigned…
Are You Following the New RMFW Podcast Series Hosted by Mark Stevens?
Is there anything Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers doesn’t do for its members (and all writers for that matter)? Not too much. One of the newest offerings is a series of podcasts that features a variety of professionals to entertain and enlighten all those who tune in. Hosted by Mark Stevens, the podcasts are another great…