By Mark Stevens We interrupt this blog’s regular programming, writing advice, inspirations and musings to bring you this commercial announcement: Drum roll…. RMFW has a new podcast. As this post goes up, ‘The Rocky Mountain Writer’ should be finding its way to your favorite podcast provider, including iTunes. It’s also posted from the home page…
Your Book…Or Your Critique Group’s?
By Patricia Stoltey Yes, I’m piggy-backing on Mary Gillgannon’s excellent Friday post called “Your Book…Or Your Editor’s?” She raised some important points about picking your battles and keeping an open mind about suggested editorial changes. Going into a book contract without a little flexibility along with confidence in your story and characters is a risky…
Your Book… Or the Editor’s?
By Mary Gillgannon A writer recently posted a question on the RMFW site about working with an editor and whether you have to make all the changes an editor suggests. I faced a similar situation a couple of years ago. Here are some ideas on how to deal with difficult editing situations: Do you have…
Rocky Mountain Writer Podcast – Episode #1
Rocky Mountain Writer Podcast – Episode #1 Interview with Shannon Baker, RMFW Writer of the Year; also talks with Charles Senseman and Suzie Brooks In the inaugural podcast, host Mark Stevens interviews RMFW Writer of the Year Shannon Baker about her new book contract; chats with writer Charles Senseman about his tips on writing the…
Guest Post: Don’t Fight the Feeling – Kim McMahill
By Kim McMahill Who hasn’t heard the phrase, “show, don’t tell,” in conjunction with writing instruction and advice? It may be basic guidance, but it is the most critical component of crafting a compelling story. Despite sounding like a simple concept, the skill is more difficult to master than one might think, requiring conscious effort and…