By Kris Neri Sure, January 1st is just a date on the calendar. Still, there’s something about a new year that makes us want to reboot our hopes and dreams, and bring a new determination to achieving them. For us writers, often resolutions include taking our craft to new levels, or finally finishing that WIP…
Retreat! Retreat! Getting Away to Write
By Angie Hodapp, RMFW Retreat Chair When I was in graduate school, I figured out pretty quickly that my best writing happened away from home. Home was where the dirty dishes were. And the laundry. The television. The pets. The old comfy couch, which was just perfect for mid-afternoon naps. It’s fair to say that…
Why I Have Failed To Write a Word in 2014
By Aaron Michael Ritchey I am the problem. Not the clock. Not the industry. Not my critique group. Not my readers. Not even my stalker fans. Wait, I don’t have stalker fans. Dang. No, I am the problem. When I don’t write, I am the problem? First of all, I forget so easily most everything…
Spotlight on Vicki Law
This week we are pleased to feature Vicki Law. If you’ve been around RMFW for any amount of time, you will recognize Vicki by her cheerful countenance and amazing, active involvement with RMFW including the annual Colorado Gold conference. As if that’s not enough, Vicki is also responsible for pulling together the Western Slope contingency….
Viewing the World as a Writer
By Sean Curley As part of my efforts to publish a professional-level book independently, I went back to school at the University of Denver for a graduate degree in Creative Writing. One of the concepts school tried to teach me was to view the world as a writer. I didn’t understand that for a long…