By Lori DeBoer I once met a successful mystery author at a conference in Tucson who told me she wrote all of her books in 15-minute snatches of time because, as a mom, that’s all she had. Her pronouncement horrified me. I was childless and working full-time at home as a freelance magazine writer. I…
Dancing Away that Author Envy
by Jeffe Kennedy On one of my author loops recently, a number of people were gnashing teeth over their lack of success in the publishing world. From the publisher declining to publish the rest of the books in their series, to poor sales, to perceived favoritism for “special” authors – they felt they’d gotten a…
Never Give Up!
By Mark Stevens Regrets? I’ve had a few. One bothers me more than most. I knew it at the time, when I first read Gary Reilly’s stuff. We’d meet in coffee shops, frequently the Europa Café on South Pennsylvania Street in Denver. Hip joint. Cool vibe. Gary would pluck a stack of things from his…
Exciting Events Ahead from Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers
Attend the 2nd Annual RMFW Writers Retreat With Special Guest, Agent Kate Schafer Testerman Organized by Angie Hodapp March 16-21, 2014 Table Mountain Inn, Golden, CO REGISTRATION CLOSES FEBRUARY 15TH The 2013 writers retreat was a smashing success! It’s back in March of 2014 and will become an annual spring event. How much does it…
Scrub Your Mindscape Clean … by Mark Stevens
Move away from the stack of books you slowly acquired ever since you first had the thought that you might want to write fiction. (Spoiler alert: all those books pretty much all say the same thing. They are as repetitive as magazines about how to swing a golf club. Or how to diet.)